Shoot Commercial in China: Location Scouting Services

Scouting locations is very important when it comes to commercials, FixerChina is here to help you with all your location scouting needs in China, our years of experience in production support can help our clients find their dream locations for their next commercial, and control the budget for the whole production.

Rich location scouting resources

When it comes to location scouting for commercial shoot, time is valuable for clients, that’s why the existing location resources will be very handy. Over the last 8 years, our location managers have managed to find hundreds of location options, those options have been filmed or cancelled, these location options will be very handy for our clients.

Whether you are looking for city locations, urban environment, landscapes of the skyscrapers, we are here to help.

Location Scouting
Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Hong Kong, we’ve done enough shoots that can help you with all your location needs in China for your next commercial shoot.

Accessibility is The Key For Commercial Location Scouting

When you shoot your commercials in China, the right locations works hand in hand with the production, imagine a location with great access without power plugs, or a remote area where you can’t even find any catering around, these things seem very small when you plan your shoot, but it can cause a lot of down time during the production.

Our location manager knows what it takes to make your shoot easier.

Flexible Hourly Rate for More Production Value

The locations can cost a lot for a production, in a lot of projects these days, our clients will need a lot of locations, in this case, hourly rate works so much better than the traditional way (day charge). The same budget might offer you two to three location access, this can change a lot for a commercial production.

Production Support Ready

When you work with our team, you have the access to all of our production support resources, we work as a team so the information between us are very well synced, apart from location scouting, our other colleagues are ready to help you for other production request too.

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