Hire Cameraman in China

Looking for Cameraman based in China? Since 2013, we have done countless productions in China, we have a great network of cameraman across China, with different skillset and level of experience, and a great trust with our team, we can help our clients find the right cameraman for their next production in China.

Cameraman in China

Why hire cameraman from us?

It’s hard to hire cameraman based on the info you can find on the internet, the cameraman options we know are the ones we been working with for years, and they have a great working attitude, our clients can trust us on the delivery of great results. We provide both foreign & Chinese cameraman for hire.

The cameraman in China has a different system compared to the west, as there is no union, the cameraman here usually work as freelance based, the cost difference between each area can also be different, thus there is a huge gap of experience and skill level in between.

We make sure every projects that our clients send to us are well communicated, and before the project starts, we will break down the info for the cameraman, and further more, we will make sure the locations, talents and all the essential parties are well coordinated, we are trusted by agencies, fortune 500 companies, and a lot of media corps, our in house staff are experienced with all types of projects.

Cameraman in China

Our cameraman in China got skills and experience

Yes, when it comes to skills, our cameraman options can meet your requirement, they are used to shoot for different formats for different clients, whether it’s a commercial, a corporate video, a business/sport event, a fashion store opening, or some hotel promos, and a lot more, our cameraman will work with their best ability to get the best results, plus we will work with them to adjust the equipment to make the shoot more efficient and budget friendly.

Apart from that, you can also hire bilingual cameraman from us, some of our cameraman in big cities of China can speak fluent English&Chinese, make your communication much easier.

Cameraman in China

Contact us for the quote and latest showreel!
